This page consists of some generic algorithm which just should be known by everybody !
Euclids GCD Algorithm :
To find the GCD of m and n :
1. Set p = m and q = n;
2. Until q exactly divides p, Repeat
2.1 p =q and q= (p % q) .
3. Terminate with answer = q.
Java Implementation :
public static int gcd (int m, int n)
int p = m; int q = n;
while (p % q != 0) {
int r = p % q;
p =q; q= r; }
return q;
Power Algorithm :
To calculate m to the power of n :
1 One way to do is .. multiply m to itself n times: Iterative Algorithm :
Space complexity = O(1); Time complexity = O(n);
public static int power(int m, int n)
int p = 1;
for(int i=0; i<n;i++)
p = p * m;
return p;
2. Another way is to be a little smart about it : Smart power algorithm :
Space Complexity : O(1). Time complexity : O(log n)
public static int power(int m, int n){
int p =1 ; int q = m; int r = n;
while ( r > 0 ){
if (r %2 == 1) p = p * q;
r = r/2; q = q * q;
return p;
Recursive Power Algorithm :
1. To calculate m to the power of n recursively :
public static int power (int m, int n){
if ( n ==0 )
return 1;
return m * power(m,n-1);
2. The Smart Recursive power algorithm :
public static int power ( int m, int n) {
if( n== 1)
return 1;
else {
int p = power(m,n/2);
if (n % 2 == 1)
return m * p *p;
return p * p;
Change the base of an integer.
To change the base of an integer, the algorithm is as follows :
let i be the integer and b be the base to which it is being rendered to.
1. if i < 0 , render - sign and then render -i
2. if 0 <= i <=r , render i as it is.
3. if i>=r , let d = i % r. render i/r and then render d.
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